Tuesday 24 March 2009

In the beginning

Today is the beginning of my blog and also the beginning of my cloth doll making hobby. I didn't need a new hobby but cloth doll making kinda chose me.

It started with a few sock monkies, which lead to me buying The Sock Doll Workshop book from ebay and whilst waiting for it to arrive, I took a trip to Hobby Craft in search for a book on needle felting. (for those of you who know me you'll agree that I'm multicrafted!) Anyway while looking for the afore said book, I came across another book...... Stray Sock Sewing! Oh boy not only can I make sock monkies but also sock dolls, socks turned into lucky cats and lots more great, cute sock creatures! (Did I mention that my husband banned me from buying socks? he did so because I couldn't stop buying fancy socks for my sock creations. This ban will of course
be lifted once the ones already bought are no longer seen as socks!)

I was back at the afore said shop this time my son wanted some mask making stuff but since I'm multicrafted I couldn't resist the temptation! A book called Creative Cloth Doll Beading jumped out at me and I promise you that the more that book got pushed away the more it jumped out shouting,"Buy me! You need me! " With my son pulling me to his isle of desired materials I could still hear the book calling me so while my son wasn't looking I dashed back and before my son realised I was missing, the book had landed in my hand with the doll on the cover smiling at me,with a smile that says, "I told you so!" If you google the book you'll see that she is still smiling! And the book is sitting begging for me to start.

I really should be banned from surfing ebay! Why? Well because on Mothers day 22nd March '09 I just happened to type in cloth doll and woah, there were some gorgeous cloth doll patterns by Lynne. I showed my son and before I knew it they were 'buy it now'd' and this very morning were on my doormat! So tonight I'm going to be cutting out the patterns for these marvelous cloth doll creations!

I will keep you posted on how I fare on the dolls and sock creatures.

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